Saturday, January 23, 2010

I am too pregnant to live

Not much has been happening over the past few weeks. We moved to our new house (: If you want the address let me know and I'll get it to you! There are pictures up on facebook and I'll post some more one day when its all clean and I can take some with our actual stuff in it.
Now for the baby: As of Thursday I am 39 weeks, which means he could come any day now... but we have come to realize that he probably won't. I'm having plenty of contractions but nothing timeable enough to warrant a trip to to L&D. At my 38 week appointment I was checked and hadn't made much progress. The dr said I was a "fingertip" dilated (not even a whole cm!) and 50% effaced, but those numbers don't mean much. She also told me that if I don't go into labor on my own by my next appointment at 40 weeks (this coming Thursday) that they will schedule an induction that will most likely be a week after my due date. So we're looking at absolutely having him out here with us around February 4th or so. I really hope he decides to be born soon, because I would like to avoid having to be induced. And trust me, I've tried just about everything I can do on my own! So I guess it's all up to the babe at this point. Anyway, there's a new belly picture up that Zach just took today, and I'll probably try to take one every day until he's born. Not sure if I'll post
those, but I will probably post at least one more before he's born.
So that's all I have for now. I took a shower and got dressed and actually pulled out my straightener and some makeup. We're probably heading downtown for some walking and some yummy dinner and, chances are we'll get down there and Bean will finally decide he's ready. Especially since I went through the trouble of putting on a nice shirt and doing my hair and makeup. Here's to hoping I guess...
Hope all is well at home! We love and miss you all!

Friday, January 1, 2010

36 weeks 1 day

Hello! Here are the pictures I promised (: They are all from the past week or so. And the last one is from tonight.

Oh. The stretch marks have finally broken out on my tummy. I have a few down low on either side of my belly button. I'm pretty sad, but not surprised!