Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two days in a row. WHAT?

Yep. I posted last night... And here I am doing it again. Crazy, right?

So... I made the cookies and they were great. The cream cheese frosting is sweet. Obviously it's sweet. I know, it IS frosting. But its just not my taste. A little bit goes a long way with this stuff. But it goes great with the cookies. The recipe I used didn't say whether I should use milk chocolate chips or semi-sweet. I used milk chocolate. Next time I'll definitely go with the semi sweet. I think it will just balance out a little better. All in all though, the recipe is a winner. I'll link when I have a chance to log on with a different browser.

I've been catching my monster cruising, and every now and then he'll be standing next to the couch or table and he'll take his hands away to see what happens. What happens is that he can stand on his own. He just isn't too interested in doing it. He is perfectly happy crawling, which is fine with me. Less of a chance he'll fall and hurt himself. Which he already does. Often. He's going to be walking before too long though. I can't believe how big he's getting. He is going to be 10 months next week. I just can't believe it!

Anyway, I've been having a rough few days. I haven't heard from Zach in a while, he broke the power cord for his computer (Which was actually mine... Go figure!) so he hasn't been able to email or anything. It really sucks, because I'm having a hard time with the holidays getting closer and all. It doesn't exactly help that I am obsessively counting down the days until his approximate return date. I have plenty to do, but I'm just not interested in it right now. I have some projects in the works though, and hopefully I'll be able to stay busy enough to get through until I can start preparing for his return.

And for now that's all I have. I'm tired. I'm going to bed before the babe wakes up and wants to hang out.

See ya.

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