Saturday, February 12, 2011

The baby isn't a baby anymore...

I would like to put out a missing baby report. He's short, kinda fat and the happiest baby you'll ever see. He has a lot of hair and blue eyes. If you see him, send him back my way. I kinda miss him!


My baby is gone. I'm not quite sure when this happened or how I missed this monumental transition, but it came and went. And I've been left with this heart-breakingly handsome little BOY. One who walks around and brings me tubs of goldfish crackers when he gets hungry. He smacks his lips together when its time for lunch. He brings me books to read and stacks his blocks all by himself. I can't believe the past year has flown by. This time last year I was wondering if he would ever grow out of his newborn clothes, and if the day would ever come that those 12 month clothes would fit around his tiny waist. That day, too, has come... and almost gone! And every few days we find another shirt, pair of pants or pair of little socks that stretch a little too tightly around his little body, and it gets tossed into the ever-growing bin of too small baby clothes.

I hate to admit it, but I'm incredibly sad and missing my little baby enough to ask Husband if we could maybe consider possibly having another baby... someday. He laughed at me when I said it. And I cringed inside when I said it. I can't believe I said it. I must have had a temporary lapse in judgement because this little guy we have here is more than enough to keep me busy. I pick up toys like, 4 or 5 times a day and I'm constantly finding cheerios under the coffee table and sippy cups dripping onto the carpet. Those are the times I ask myself what the hell I am thinking when I get the ache for another little one. Because for now, Stinky Bean is MORE than enough. At least until he's out of diapers...

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