Friday, November 18, 2011

Random updates!

Hello bloggy. I have neglected you for a long time, but that isn't new or anything. I think about you from time to time, and about how I should visit, but man, I've just been really busy. Forgive me? Okgood.

SO lots of things have happened since, uh, February? I think that's when I last put new words on here.


Husband is home! Bean loves him as usual. Probably even more than he loves me, but he still always wants mommy to hold him when he falls or something. +1 for mommy.

Husband also got a new job and is moving to a new unit shortly! We're all really happy for him and can't wait to see where this takes our family. It's something he has wanted for a long time and it'll probably be a big change for us. But we'll do what we have to do (:

Oh and there's this too:

The Bean is getting a new sister! We are very excited and can't wait to welcome our new little one into the family!

We also moved into a bigger house so we wouldn't all be crammed into our tiny old one. While it was perfect for the 3 of us, it just wasn't going to work out with a new baby (and all those irritatingly HUGE baby things), a growing toddler, a dog and us parents. Thankfully our new house is big enough for all of us and we'll hopefully be here for a while. And get this, we went from one shared bathroom (connected to the master AND the hallway for everyone in the house to use) to THREE bathrooms! OR 2.5, but still! We have a master bathroom (not connected to the rest of the house!) and a regular upstairs bathroom and a downstairs half-bath. I'm seriously in heaven!

Anyway, I think thats about it. I'll try to keep up with this thing a little better. Hopefully we'll FINALLY be able to get ourselves into a good routine. Things have been sort of crazy for a really long time, and now that Hubs is getting settled into a new job and we're finally past the morning sickness and fatigue stage. So I'm praying we can get back to our normal selves, but I really doubt that. Especially with Christmas (and my birthday and our anniversary and Bean's birthday, wow!) looming over us!

But we'll see (:

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