Monday, November 23, 2009

10 weeks to go!

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I've updated. When we got home from Ohio Zach and I were exhausted from making the drive in only 2 days and we were both still trying to fight off a cold or something. Ever since we got back I have just been exhausted and my body doesn't want to adjust to a normal sleep schedule. Unfortunately thanks to my shrinking bladder and heartburn that seems to be triggered by every. single. food. I am finding it harder and harder to sleep through the night, and I get my best sleeping done after Zach has left for work and I can take over the whole bed. This results in me sleeping almost the entire day and getting absolutely nothing done. This weekend Zach and I helped out at a friend's garage sale and we got up around 6:30 on Saturday and I made it to 4 and then napped for about an hour. We went to bed early that night and I got up around 9:30 Sunday. Hopefully I can keep up with this trend, because its so much easier. I won't be surprised if I fall back into sleeping all day though, I'm just as tired as I was in my first trimester... Maybe even more so. 

I had my glucose tolerance test a few days after we got home from Ohio. Surprisingly, aside from how bored we were sitting there for an hour, it wasn't so bad. The drink was like a melted popsicle or one of those little hugs drinks. It made me a little nauseous, but nothing horrible. We were just so bored because I had to wait an hour between drinking the glucola and having my blood drawn. My numbers were fine though, and we aren't worried about gestational diabetes. The next week was my 28 week appointment and I made a mistake about the time and showed up almost 30 minutes late so I had to reschedule for the next week. I swear I am absolutely losing my mind because I was so completely sure that my appointment was at 10:45, but it had been scheduled for 10:20. So when I finally got in for my appointment I mentioned how I had called in October about being exposed to 5th disease and was curious about what I should do because it can be dangerous if you contract it during your pregnancy. The dr. seemed to have no clue what I was talking about. She ended up having me go downstairs to the lab and give them some blood to see if I had been exposed to it before and had me schedule another ultrasound to make sure everything was OK with the baby. Last Monday we had the ultrasound and although we haven't heard the results of the bloodwork yet the ultrasound tech told us everything looks great with the baby and I'm "on track to having a 7 or 8 pound baby!" Now I'm not so sure about the 8 lbs idea, but I'm thankful to know he is doing ok in there. He was so active that it took her twice as long as normal to get his measurements, and he actually had his feet up over his head with his legs in front of his face. We got some pictures, but they are so blurry from him moving around that its hard to tell what is what! He has some pretty big feet, and he was 3 lbs 1 oz when she measured him! 

So everything is looking good with the baby so far! It feels like its flying by so fast! I can't believe I am less than 10 weeks away from my due date and we'll be meeting him soon!! Zach and I decided we are going to move when our lease is up. We have talked about it for a while and been back and forth with our decision many times, but we finally went to the base housing office and turned in our application. We'll be hearing back in the next few weeks what they have available and hopefully we'll be able to move in about mid-January. It is really close to my due date, which is why we changed our minds about it so much, but after getting home with all the baby stuff and setting up the crib and carseat/stroller we decided we would ALL be much better off if we got a bigger place where we all can have enough room. I think thats about all I have for now. Hopefully when Zach gets home I can get him to take a new belly picture to post on here! 

We love and miss you all!


  1. I check your blog everyday. can you please make me happy and put up new belly pictures??? thanks :)

  2. hahahah i love reading your posts! the baby sounds like zach already!! jumping around and being crazy? before you know it he'll be the one beating up the dog and other off the wall things lol. and i second amanda.. PICTURESSSS :)
