Friday, December 4, 2009

8 Weeks to go!

Hey everyone! Its been a little bit since I have updated and I am trying to be a little better at this updating thing. I have a few pictures to post, but I'm going to have to wait until Zach gets home to put those up since I'm updating from his computer (thanks to the stupid virus that ruined my computer). We'll take a new one tonight and post it along with whatever I have that you haven't seen (:

Last week we had a little bit of a scare and early on Thanksgiving morning Zach and I had to go into labor and delivery. I had been up all night (an unfortunate new hobby of mine...) and around 3:45 had noticed some braxton hicks contractions that just kept coming. I drank water, laid on my left side and went to the bathroom but they just kept coming. After I had 8 I decided to call and the nurses in L&D told me I should come in to be checked, so we went. We got there around 5:30 and they hooked me up to the monitors and had me drink lots of water while they made sure everything was ok. After about 30 minutes of being on the monitors they did a quick internal exam to make sure I wasn't actually progressing and they sent us home with instructions to come back if they became painful or my water broke. Luckily everything was fine though.

Today I went in today for my 32 week checkup and got my test results from the blood work I had done at 28 weeks and everything was fine. I asked about the position of the baby since he was breech at all the ultrasounds I have had so far, and when I should start to worry about it. The dr checked to see if she could feel him and figure out what his position was. She poked around and told me that as far as she could tell he was head down. I was happy to hear that since I have been worried that he wouldn't turn. Hopefully he stays that way and doesn't turn himself back upright, but we'll see. If he hasn't turned by my next appointment at 36 weeks then we'll start talking about other options to get him ready. The dr also told me the results from my last ultrasound, that he looks great and measured in the 77th percentile that week! I can't believe he's so big! He should be measuring about 4 lbs right now, but if he is still up there in the 77th percentile he might be a little bigger than that. Hopefully he doesn't get too big! I'm so happy to know that everything is going well in there though.

I'll post later tonight or tomorrow with some more pictures! We love and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. i wanna see pictures!
    lawlz. please post them soon?
    lurv you. c:
