Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bean is here!

This is just a repost of what I put up on facebook after we got home from the hospital. After I make dinner tonight I'll give you all an update from the past 2 weeks and his 2 week checkup and I'll put up a few NEW pictures of him! Enjoy!

Since we are finally home and starting to settle into a little routine I figured I would post an update on here about our new little family member (:

Nathan was born on Sunday night (January 24) at 9:05, weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 18.25 in long!

Saturday night Zach and I decided to drive down to San Diego to get some yummy fried seafood, do some walking and just enjoy what I hoped would be our last weekend as a couple. Everything went well and I was having contractions but they weren't painful or particularly close together so I assumed (like every other time) that I wasn't going into labor anytime soon. After going to dinner, the mall and target to pick up a few last minute baby things we headed home and watched a movie on the couch together and went to bed.

I woke up at 5:30 the next morning with some painful contractions and went to the bathroom (where my water broke as I would later find out), came back to bed and woke Zach up. I told him I thought my water broke and we might have to go in and he woke right up and started timing my contractions to see how they were progressing since I wasn't sure it actually was my water. They were closer together than they had been, but still not very regular and we just laid in bed and watched tv to see what was going on. After a few hours I decided that my water definitely had broken and told Zach we needed to get ready to head in to the hospital. We called our parents and let them know and finished packing the bags for the hospital and we left around 8:45 or so.

When we got to the hospital a nurse took me into a triage room to check me out and took one look at me and walked me back to my room. I got all hooked up to the monitors and she started my IV and we waited for the dr to come check my progress. Well wouldn't you know that I had made ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESS since my 38 week appointment! I was still a "fingertip" dilated and about 50% effaced. Since my water had broken, they couldn't send me home so they monitored me a little longer and decided give me pitocin to actually put me into labor, which made the contractions come much stronger and closer together. After a little while on the pitocin I was starting to feel a lot of pain so they gave me some morphine in my IV and a shot in the butt to help take the pain away since I was still a long way from pushing.

After a few hours with the morphine my contractions started getting stronger and the morphine started wearing off and I was prepped for my epidural which I was very grateful for. It actually didn't hurt at all and I would absolutely do it again in a second. Once I got the epidural it was smooth sailing and I actually made a lot of progress really quickly. The dr came in and checked me around 8:20 and I was fully dilated, 100% effaced and ready to start pushing! I only had to push for about 20 minutes and Nathan was born at 9:05. His apgar scores were 8 and 9 and the only problem we had was that he didn't cry much after he was born so they were worried he wasn't getting the fluid out of his lungs. It turns out he was just fine though.

We stayed in the hospital for about a day and a half. Nathan has a little bit of jaundice, but his levels were low enough that they sent us home a few hours early on Tuesday with instructions to come back and have his levels checked Wednesday morning. At his appointment the nurse told us his bilirubin levels had dropped and he gained 2 oz since his discharge and that everything looked really good.

Now we're just hanging out at home getting adjusted to our new lives as parents. I'm very tired and still pretty sore, but I couldn't be happier with everything. Zach has been absolutely wonderful and is so excited to be a daddy. He is absolutely in love with Nathaniel and so am I. I can't wait to introduce him to all of our friends and family, and really wish we could be closer to share him with you all!

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