Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm back!

I know, it's been a long time... But seriously? Nobody reads this. Maybe if I updated once in a while. Or once ever. I think my entire pregnancy I wrote on here like 15 times. Maybe I'm being generous.


The point is: I'm here. And I promise I'll update more often. Besides, I have LOTS more to talk about now. Now that the constant nausea and bathroom breaks have come to an end. THANK GOD. I don't know what I would do if I were still pregnant. No, I do. I. Would. Die.

Ok. So. Nathan is 5 months. Good golly. When did that happen? I seriously feel like the past 5 months have absolutely flown by. I don't know where my tiny baby went. Now I have this giant thing who rolls over and constantly pulls on the dog's ears. Oh. And he sits. On his own. He has likes and dislikes. And I suspect he is forming little baby opinions in his little baby head. Thank God he can't talk yet. I'm not ready to hear those little baby opinions.

I'm good, Zach is good. The dog... Well, he is great. I have a feeling Max and Nathan like each other more than they like Zach and I. They are like soul mates. I've caught Max licking Nathan's face a few times, and what does Nathan do? He opens his mouth. Lets the dog get a nice taste of Enfamil and sweet potatoes. Awesome right? It's disgusting, really. But they love each other. So it's good. I was worried there would be problems... Nope. Not in our house. They are obsessed with each other. I cannot give an accurate enough description of how much they love each other. It's kind of weird.

Other than that everything is good. I'm getting more and more tired of California, and our recent trip to Ohio doesn't help. I miss the seasons. I miss thunderstorms and rainy days. I have a pair of rainboots that decorate our patio because you know what? It doesn't rain here. Ever. In Nathan's short little life it has rained maybe 5 days. I need to clarify. When I say rain I mean sprinkle. Drizzle at best. It sucks. I miss the anticipation of fall and those hot days where the only thing on your mind is the cooler breeze and the changing leaves. When you long to pull out your sweatshirts and make a pot of chili. When grilled chicken and corn on the cob get old. I miss Christmas. This past Christmas we had the patio door open and I wore jeans and a thin turtleneck with flip-flops. FLIP-FLOPS! On Christmas. I need piles of leaves and frosty windows. I need April showers and fresh-cut grass. Don't even get me started on the earthquakes and fires. Over the weekend there was a fire on one of the ranges across the street from our neighborhood. Too close for comfort if you ask me. It's been cold lately too. That stupid June gloom won't go away. Needless to say California has lost it's appeal. It's nice, don't get me wrong. I'm just an Ohio girl to the core.

With that said, it's actually warm here for once, so I'm going to go on a walk with my baby man and some of our friends. And later on I get to catch up with a very old friend who happens to be in the area for a few days. I love when that happens!

I'll post a few pictures later. I can't for the life of me figure out what I did with the stinkin' camera.

See ya!

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