Thursday, August 6, 2009

15 weeks

I thought I should update everyone on what has been happening since our first appointment a few weeks ago, since it seems like a lot has been going on! 

I last saw the Dr. at 12w 4d and we got to see the baby, hear the heartbeat and found out that everything with bean looked good! Which was great news because I had been having some horrible morning sickness and lots of trouble getting food in my tummy and keeping it there. Well it turns out that between my registration appt and my first OB appointment (a period of about 4 and a half weeks) I had lost almost 10 lbs. and because of this the Dr. gave me a prescription for Zofran to help out and give me some relief. After I got on the Zofran I noticed a big change and was able to eat and get up and do things around the house, which has been such a help! 

So for a few weeks I was taking my Zofran and everything was looking up until I came to the last few tabs last Friday and needed a refill. I call the hospital and find out that I can't refill my prescription until Aug. 12 and somewhere between the Dr. and the pharmacy my prescription got messed up and they only gave me 15 of the 30 tabs I was supposed to have. Ugh! So I just decided to wait it out and try some OTC nausea meds the Dr. recommended. 

After we rounded up everything and I gave them all a try I realized that I had no choice but to wait until Monday morning and call the Dr. I had a particularly rough weekend and I was getting to the point where I could barely get in and out of bed or change my clothes without getting sick and I started to notice a pain in my right side/back. After trying all day Sunday to eat and rest, I woke up around 6 from a nap and the pain in my side had gotten worse and I couldn't get out of bed without getting sick. I told Zach what I was feeling and decided that I needed to go to the ER. So he helped me change my clothes and got me ready to go and we left around 6:45. 

After I got checked in we had to wait around for a triage nurse to assess me, and I was asked to give a urine sample and they drew a couple of vials of blood and sent me back out to the waiting room. After they finally had a room open up they put me in a bed and hooked me up to an IV for fluids and nausea medicine, and took another vial of blood. The Dr. came in and explained that he wanted to do an ultrasound to check the baby and to look at my gallbladder, liver and kidney to make sure everything looked OK. 

The baby was kicking and swimming around in there, thankfully, and was completley oblivious to what was happening on the outside. So he went ahead and checked my guts out, which he said looked fine. After he finished up the ultrasound he left to check out my labs and make sure everything else checked out and then he came back and reminded me to drink lots of water and advised us to come back if the pain got any worse, I experienced any bleeding, or if I became unable to tolerate any kind of food or drink. He then sent us on our way with a new prescription for Zofran and some tylenol. 

So after being back on the Zofran for a few days I have noticed a big difference (again). I had a bad day yesterday, and had some vomiting early and lots of all day nausea, which made eating and feeling good for the rest of the day impossible, but so far everything looks ok. 

That pretty much brings it all up to date. I have another OB appointment on August 17, and I believe I will be scheduling the BIG ultrasound for sometime around 2o weeks! Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer... We're getting very antsy! 

I'll try to keep updating on a more regular basis, and I'll post a belly picture up here soon... I'm finally starting to look a little pregnant and not just a little chubby (: 

How far along: 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm still in my normal clothes. I can't button my jeans anymore though, so that belly band has been saving my life! I bought my first maternity article of clothing last night though!!
Stretch marks? Not on my belly yet. On my chest though.
Sleep: I sleep as often as I can! 
Best moment this week: Seeing bean on the surprise u/s and starting to feel some flutters!
Movement: I just started to feel some flutters and things I think might be the bean!!
Food cravings: Panera last night. Dill Havarti. Not much.
Gender: Unknown ):
Labor signs: NO!
Belly button in or out? In. And its pretty far in, I would be surprised if it popped out all the way
What I miss: Not throwing up. Being able to stand/sneeze/laugh without the stretchy pain!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender! And feeling more movement
Weekly wisdom: Drink lots and lots of water. And not to push it.
Milestones: Flutters? Its kind of a quiet time for now. I think we can find out the gender anytime now though.

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