Sunday, August 23, 2009


I really need to get better at updating this! I promise to start writing at least once a week (:

SO. Zach was in the field from when I was about 15w until I was 16w. And we had talked about finding out the sex and whether or not we wanted to wait until the u/s at the hospital or if we wanted to have an elective u/s at a facility near where we live. The Saturday after Zach came home I woke up and told him I really wanted to call the place and find out when they had appointments available because I just couldn't wait! So we called and made an appointment for that night at 8:15. We had planned to go up to the mall near the u/s place and find some new jeans (mine don't fit me anymore!) and have dinner before we went to have the u/s, but the minute I set foot into the mall I started feeling really sick (there are so many smells in the mall) and so we ended up just driving around and eating pretzels until my appointment time. Zach was being really great about everything, but I felt horrible. We drove to the u/s place a little early so I could use the restroom and walk around a little bit before my appointment and when I got out of the car I felt much better. When it was time for our u/s we went into a room with a HUGE screen taking up the entire wall and got to see the bean on the big screen while the tech tried to find the goods. This baby is ALL leg. Seriously, I didn't think it was possible to have such long legs when you're so little! When the tech. found what she was looking for, I think Zach knew before she even said anything... bean was a boy! He had been telling me the whole time that he thought it was a boy and he was right! Needless to say we were both pleased! Zach gets a little boy and I (finally) get to start shopping for little blue and green onesies! 

The next Monday I had a dr appointment and Zach ended up having a surprise day off work. I was planning on going to my appointment alone and letting him get some sleep, but I was having (another) sick day so Zach had to get ready and drive me to my appointment. Everything went well, I'm gaining the weight back that I lost in the first trimester, which is good! And we got to hear bean's heart. After the dr finished they sent me downstairs to have a few vials of blood drawn for the Quad Screen test and then I went and scheduled my big u/s with radiology. Unfortunately the time they want me to come in to have the u/s done conflicts with work for Zach ): Luckily I'll get pictures to bring him! And we got to find out bean's gender early, so he won't be missing out on that!

All in all everything is going well. I still want to sleep all the time. And I am still dealing with a lot of nausea and vomiting, but I'm not losing any weight. I'm still on the medicine to help with that, but sometimes there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully it lets up soon... I'm ready to feel good again!

We're planning to come home in October. We're driving because we have to bring Max with us, so we'll be leaving at the end of September and making a stop at the family reunion in Tennessee. Then after that we'll be heading up to Cincinnati for a few weeks!! I am so excited I cannot wait! I have a lot of stuff to do between now and then, but I'll do anything to get to come home. I really miss having my family and friends around, and California is too hot and dry!

Well, thats all I have for now. I'll update again soon (: We miss and love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should tell us what names you have been thinking about :) and we want to see the new pictures of the bean ASAP
