Wednesday, September 9, 2009

20 weeks!

As of this week I am halfway through! I can't believe it has already been 20 weeks, and that I still have 20 to go! I feel like it won't be that long and at the same time I feel like it will be the longest weeks of my life! Luckily we'll be on our way home in about 3 weeks, and we'll be in Ohio in almost 4. I can't wait to see everyone and to get in some nice (hopefully) cool, rainy Ohio weather (:

I know I said I would update this more often, but I'm still pretty sick usually. I still want to sleep a lot, although I am having more difficulty getting to sleep at night. It probably has to do with the fact that nighttime is the time when our little bean is the most active. He gets really crazy from about 11 until 3. We're finally feeling kicks on the outside and I'm getting plenty of punches on the inside too. Last night I was laying awake and he was kicking around and I felt 2 really strong kicks that I was SURE Zach would be able to feel so I yelled at him and woke him up and sure enough he felt a few big ones too! I was so excited I couldn't sleep for another 45 minutes.

I have an ultrasound tomorrow at the hospital so they can check him out and make sure he's growing like he should be. If we hadn't gone elsewhere for the gender ultrasound we would be finding out the gender, and hopefully the only gender thing we hear is that he is (still) a boy!

I have a belly picture to post on here but I'm not sure how to work my laptop with the digital camera so I'll save that for later tonight when Zach gets home from work. I'm finally sporting a little bit of a baby belly instead of looking like I ate too much cake and I am VERY excited to share that with everyone! I'm definitely not fitting into my clothes anymore, which is more depressing than I expected, but I'm just so happy to be showing that I don't care if I have to buy new clothes!

Thats about all I can think of for now. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon so the drive home won't be so miserable. And I can update this thing more often!


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