Saturday, September 19, 2009

21 weeks and some change!

How far along: 21 weeks and 4 (?) days
Maternity clothes? I can wear a lot of my old shirts, and some of my old pants/shorts if I rubberband the button... Its a stretch with the pants though. I like my fatty pants though. They are super comfy (: And the shirts make my belly look bigger!
Stretch marks? Not yet. Thank God!
Sleep: I sleep really late during the day because I'm having trouble sleeping at night and getting to sleep at bedtime.
Best moment this week: Watching my tummy move with the baby
Movement: Plenty (:
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper, FaveREDS starburst. I'm getting really exciting for the food we get to eat in Ohio though!
Gender: Its a boy!
Labor signs: Nope. I have had some BH but nothing serious. Hopefully it stays that way.
Belly button in or out? In. But Zach doesn't miss a chance to tell me it is changing. He says he can see the bottom of it. Booo!
What I miss: Feeling good. And not being tired, nauseous, headachey. And sushi. 
What I am looking forward to: Baby-wise: Getting bigger. Life-wise: Going home for a few weeks!
Weekly wisdom: The naval hospital is a pain in the butt.
Milestones: I'm past the halfway mark! He's growing so fast!

I've been pestering Zach to take a new belly picture, so I'll get him to do that and post a new picture up here by tomorrow night! 2 weeks until we are on our way home!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

This thing!

So before I get into my little update let me say that this thing is so confusing! If you notice, I changed my background-layout thing and I swear to you it took me over an hour. Its not like I actually made it myself either. I found a website that has super adorable background-layouts and all I had to do was copy and paste the code into a box like the directions told me. Still took me over an hour. And don't even ask me how long it takes me to post pictures. My last update with the 4 DIFFERENT PICTURES took me almost 20 minutes. There are some things that don't mesh well with me and technology is one of them. I'm lost when it comes to this stuff! 
BUT! I have another update for you all. Jaws are probably dropping as you all read this. THREE updates in one week? And PICTURES too? It must be a mistake. No. Its not. And here's another picture to prove it! Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come (:

There he is! (And he's still a he!) This picture was taken yesterday at my ultrasound. Let me say: this boy LOVES the camera. He let the tech get all of her measurements and was great about showing EVERYTHING off. He had his little legs wide open and kept on flashing his goods so he could be sure we knew. He gave us some adorable little poses and waved his arms and legs arounda ton! Everything looks great! He's growing so much. They couldn't measure his length this visit, but the tech estimated him to be about 11 oz and she said he was probably about the size of a banana. She also told me I have an anterior placenta (its between my tummy and the baby) so the placenta is absorbing a bunch of kicks, but I am absolutely still feeling plenty! Over the past few days Zach has been able to feel them too, which I think makes him a little more excited about the baby. Up until now it has been a little hard to believe that I was actually pregnant, but now with my growing belly and the kicky little guy who has taken up residence in there, there is no doubt for either of us!

So everything is going well and I can't wait to come home for a while. I've been counting down all summer long! Its so hot and dry here. It will defnitely be a nice change to see some clouds and rain. I'm praying that I'll have to wear pants and a jacket. I never in my life thought I would feel that way...! We'll have lots of pictures and hopefully plenty of belly to show you all when we're home! Let me know if you want to get together while we're in town! I would love to see as many people as possible!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here is the first picture we took! I think its around 5 weeks or so?

And another at about 12 weeks!

This one is from 19 weeks!

And here is the most recent picture! 20 weeks, taken last night. (Sorry about the shadow!)

20 weeks!

As of this week I am halfway through! I can't believe it has already been 20 weeks, and that I still have 20 to go! I feel like it won't be that long and at the same time I feel like it will be the longest weeks of my life! Luckily we'll be on our way home in about 3 weeks, and we'll be in Ohio in almost 4. I can't wait to see everyone and to get in some nice (hopefully) cool, rainy Ohio weather (:

I know I said I would update this more often, but I'm still pretty sick usually. I still want to sleep a lot, although I am having more difficulty getting to sleep at night. It probably has to do with the fact that nighttime is the time when our little bean is the most active. He gets really crazy from about 11 until 3. We're finally feeling kicks on the outside and I'm getting plenty of punches on the inside too. Last night I was laying awake and he was kicking around and I felt 2 really strong kicks that I was SURE Zach would be able to feel so I yelled at him and woke him up and sure enough he felt a few big ones too! I was so excited I couldn't sleep for another 45 minutes.

I have an ultrasound tomorrow at the hospital so they can check him out and make sure he's growing like he should be. If we hadn't gone elsewhere for the gender ultrasound we would be finding out the gender, and hopefully the only gender thing we hear is that he is (still) a boy!

I have a belly picture to post on here but I'm not sure how to work my laptop with the digital camera so I'll save that for later tonight when Zach gets home from work. I'm finally sporting a little bit of a baby belly instead of looking like I ate too much cake and I am VERY excited to share that with everyone! I'm definitely not fitting into my clothes anymore, which is more depressing than I expected, but I'm just so happy to be showing that I don't care if I have to buy new clothes!

Thats about all I can think of for now. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon so the drive home won't be so miserable. And I can update this thing more often!
