Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Because I am exhausted and would rather be doing ANYTHING but cleaning and packing. And we don't have pictures yet...

How far along: 36 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yep. But even the jeans are not so comfortable anymore.
Stretch marks? A few on my tummy. I can't see them unless I perform incredible pregnant acrobatics... And I know you don't want to see that. I have some on my legs too.
Sleep: Its all I want to do.
Best moment this week: Reaching 36 weeks. And getting a move-in date for our new house.
Movement: He is hurting me. He has his feet in my ribs and I can feel him drag them across my tummy. He also gets the hiccups a lot and I can feel those too!
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper still. Otter pops. Gatorade.
Gender: Still a boy I hope. I just took off the tags and washed all his clothes through 3 months!
Labor signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks. Mostly 10-25 minutes apart. They're starting to hurt and its hard to breathe when I get them. It feels like he dropped too.
Belly button in or out? Out and its so ugly! I can't wait for it to go back in.
What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy and being able to bend over.
What I am looking forward to: Moving and having this baby!
Weekly wisdom: Its mostly advice for myself... STOP PUTTING STUFF OFF. You'll regret it!
Milestones: I'm finally in my 9th month. And I guess he can be considered full term now.

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