Thursday, December 31, 2009

We're moving!

Zach and I went to the housing office today after calling and calling for 2 weeks without being able to reach anyone. Luckily we went in because I guess they had a wrong phone number for us and had been calling us for a few days. When we got there we asked about our application and the girl told us they had something available for us on the 26th of January. I freaked out a little bit but we told her we had to move in before that because of my due date and she was able to shuffle some stuff around and find us a place we could move into after the 8th. So we went and signed a few papers and made an appointment to sign our lease and walk through our new place. We're moving in anytime after January 11! It is such a relief to have that taken care of, and to know that we won't be scrambling to extend our lease or find something else. Hopefully the move goes smoothly and Nathan waits a little longer to come out so we have time to get everything ready. Right now we have a feeling that he might try to make his debut a little early. I've been having a lot of nausea and the braxton hicks contractions are starting to hurt and come a lot more frequently. Bean has also dropped a little bit, and I'm definitely feeling like he might come any time now. Zach is convinced he's coming in the next week or so. I'm just praying he stays in until after we get the keys to the new place since we have a lot to do to get ready for the move.

I have some pictures to put up, and some more to write about, but tonight I am absolutely exhausted so you'll have to wait a little while for those. I hope everyone had fun over Christmas!

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